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Hi Gerhard - these guys should subscribe to your Sales 2.0 blog, or better yet, they should attend the conference!

I'm starting to see sales organisations, big and small, relying on automation and not making the effort to actively sell. My fear is that we are creating a new generation of reps who are simply using automation as an excuse not to pick up the phone and make a call. Inbound lead generation is fabulous, but it's only one part of a bigger plan of course. In Australia we're seeing Generation Y reps take the easy option of attempting to sell by SMS in some cases! I work with companies to help them activate the enjoyment of selling and make selling easier by clarifying the sales dialogue: http://www.revenuebuilder.com.au/services/sales-dialogue-training


Wow, this service is brilliant. Can you let me know who they are. I want to sign up;)

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